We all have those days where we’re in a funk. No matter what we do or how much coffee we drink, we just don’t feel good.
Sometimes, it’s easy to pinpoint why. Sometimes, it feels like there’s absolutely no reason why. Either way, the feeling sucks and if we let it stick around too long… well, it follows us like a black cloud for weeks.
Whether you’re having one of those days (or weeks… or months…) now, or just looking to find ways to keep them from happening again, this is for you.
Below, you’ll find 20 of my favorite ways to pick myself and mood up. There’s some science behind some of the reasons, which is all very googleable. But mostly, I share these with you because not only have my clients used them with success, but I have as well.
Light a candle or burn incense. Because fire is fun and so is smelling something pretty.
Turn your favorite upbeat song on. No, not the sad or swoony John Mayer croons but something with a fast beat and positive lyrics. Dance or just bop your head to the lyrics.
Get on snapchat and play with the filters for 5 minutes. Seriously, make funny faces and record yourself saying something ridiculous. Listen to yourself after snapchat makes your voice different. This never fails to make me laugh, even if I don’t send a single one to friends.
Drink a few glasses of water. It’s proven that water counteracts all the calories in the donuts you eat! (Because what you believe is your reality. Try it on for size.) But really, whether it’s soda water or regular water or water infused with fruit, it’s good for you. And when you go to the bathroom in a few minutes you’ll literally be lighter.
Look at a baby animal. Whether it’s on social media or in person, puppies and kittens will give you a hit of dopamine to make you smile. Bonus points if you get to actually pet one.
Make something for the sake of making something. Whether it’s grabbing a vial of glitter and gluing some to a piece of paper (fold it in half, you’ve made a birthday card)! Write a poem so awful it makes you laugh. Just create. It can be in the kitchen with a new recipe or stacking playing cards into a pyramid. This switches your energy and attention away from what caused you to have stress and toward something lighter.
Jump on your bed if you’re at home. Or buy a trampoline. It’s nearly impossible to be that upset bouncing around. And if you don’t have something you can jump on, stand on something. Your desk, your car or even a park bench. It will literally switch your perspective and add an element of defiance in your day.
Write things you’ve already done on your to do list so you can cross them off. It’s so satisfying and reminds you of how much you’ve already done. You do A LOT everyday. Celebrate that!
Throw something away. It could be the receipts in your purse or a garbage bag full of stuff from around your house. Getting rid of clutter, but not putting pressure to get rid of ALL the clutter, literally lightens your home and your soul.
You’ve heard it before and I have to include it. Take a minute, close your eyes, and take a few long, slow, deep breaths. In through your nose and out of your mouth (that’s the key). I’m not saying it’s going to fix all your problems. But it will give you a few moments of relief to help you take a step forward. If you have to close your eyes and take a few more breaths in between every step, you’ll get there. You’ll get there a lot faster than not taking any at all or spiraling out of control in the anxiety.
Turn off your phone. Even if it’s for half an hour. Disconnecting from the entire world and responsibilities of responding to messages, emails and social media is freeing.
Take a nap. You thought turning your phone off was nice? Shut your eyes and disconnect from your thoughts of the world entirely for a while.
Have a mini pamper session. All of those unused facemasks? Throw one on. Keep the goo away from your hair, so you don’t have to take an extra shower to wash it out. Just walk around doing your chores with green goo on your face. Multitasking! You’re basically a time management machine, here.
Make your dang bed. And if you have already, go stare at your made bed. It’s oddly satisfying and calming to look at. Kind of like brushing your hair.
Eat the frog. No, not an actual frog. Do the task you’ve been dreading doing. Right now. I know, in the moment this may be uncomfortable but once it’s done? You’re going to feel amazing. That thing that has been hanging over your shoulder is now gone and you can almost feel the weight lift off of your shoulders.
Write down 10 things you’re grateful for. Write anything that pops into your head. Like having a body that can write things down and your favorite pair of yoga pants. You don’t have to include your children if you’re not really feeling them in the moment! Make it about you and what you’re grateful for in the moment.
Write a thank you note to someone. That someone can be yourself if you want. Or it can be to a friend. Just because. Sending gratitude, when it’s genuine, makes you feel gracious.
Punch a pillow. I mean really get after it and see if you can make the stuffing come out. It’s oddly satisfying. (And if punching isn’t your style, scream into it. Also incredibly satisfying to let your voice be released.)
Eat a snack that makes you feel good. Who cares if it’s healthy? Some days I make a collagen protein chocolate almond milk. Some days I eat chips and salsa. It’s about balance and not being hangry.
Cry it out. Seriously, let go of the emotion and all of the effort you’ve been using on not crying. Just do it. Once you’re done, it’s one less thing you have to think about wanting to do.
*BONUS* Ask for help. There are others out there that can help lighten your load. Ask your partner for help with the chores around the house. Ask your friend to find you pictures of puppies or Ryan Gosling. (If they’re a great friend, they’ll find one with both!) Ask a coworker to do a piece of a project you’re working on and lamenting over. Ask your yoga teacher for help with a pose that doesn’t feel right in your body. Ask a coach for help to get you unstuck.
My intention is for you to find more ease and higher vibes in your life because I believe that absolutely everyone should be able to feel the way they want to feel.
That doesn’t mean you won’t have a bad day. I still do. But I’m able to come back to the feeling of satisfaction in my life, my body, my soul so fast that it doesn’t disrupt my well being for too long.
You can have that, too.